WPAP stands Wedha’s Pop Art Portraits, a native Indonesian pop art genre founded by Wedha Abdul Rasyid, a senior artist and illustrator from Indonesia. One characteristic of this type of pop art is the use of colors which is unusual, and commonly has a strictly vertical / horizontal and diagonal of lines or shapes. The concept of photo tracing in WPAP is a “dignified” tracing, where pop art images referring to a photograph, but through a process of improvisation and a certain impression that the work produced has a unique artirtic value.
Life's no Worry
Do You have a problem in your life? Yes or No, then DON'T worry.
Kamis, 14 Juni 2012
Journey Ultimate Nation Extraordinarry is June
Congratulation !!!
I said at Night because, it could be different than First. First is for the one she love. It doesnt mean being different is nothing. It just Unique. I like something unique. I honestly feel bad for not posting in such a long time. My college schedule has been completely crazy though! From early morning to early night, i had spent my time schooling. This's fact im not posting in early June.
Why ? my June is on another side of Indonesia. But, it still apart of Indonesia. This month is June, then July and finally August! i wish i can coming home, so far i still not booking any flight ticket. Its better to wait for a right time, and buy for the way back here first. Lets talk it further soon~~~
This 14th June my Beloved Sister has 19th day.
I said at Night because, it could be different than First. First is for the one she love. It doesnt mean being different is nothing. It just Unique. I like something unique. I honestly feel bad for not posting in such a long time. My college schedule has been completely crazy though! From early morning to early night, i had spent my time schooling. This's fact im not posting in early June.
I dont have any something interesting,
I dont have any best experience in every single day,
Im not a good writer,
Ive bad english,
but Im good trier.
===> SO, in other ways to Post a new post. I dedicate it to say Birthday, Thanks, or Some kind of it.
Jumat, 25 Mei 2012
'Achla' Queen of Gossip have a 19th day
Challenge me, when im Home !!!
Song for Her :
Kamis, 24 Mei 2012
It is raining here while I am sharing this post with you all. Everything is looking so beautiful. I love rain, everyone does. Its so refreshing. Almost everyone love being in it. I also love listening to it at night while I am warm and cosy in my bed.
If you do, you gotta deal with the mud too. That's a part of it. Even too much, you gotta deal with the flood too.
This thursday is full out of water, everywhere. Garden, sidewalk, inside houses... *eh the rain comes inside to Villagers house!!! what the hell! But why, the rain comes too much today. >>
Rabu, 23 Mei 2012
S T R o N G E R S T R o N G E R S T R o N G E R S T R o N G E RS T R o N G
Happy Day Ellak !!!
Cnnt meet, i just send this by bbm and share
She teach me to be Stronger
Heading true World
Selasa, 22 Mei 2012
Joy joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy joy joy Joy joy Joy joyjoy Joy joy Joy joyjoy Joy Joy Joy JoyJoy
The time with you is joyable time ever
separate from you is Monotone
logging ur jokes is the time aint feel
Together we know each other well
Remembering when we Laugh
when we being crazied
when we run to school
when we late
when we're being punished
-Guys i aint never forget-
thanks for the Joy you give
Happy birthday Sist.Erisa
Selasa, 08 Mei 2012
"I have friends outside my everyday friend group that likes to be around me. Sometimes I just want to run away from the world, where no one knows who I am."-- J
No matter it's look-like, with a joy, You add color into my Silly Life. Thanks...
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